Nqobizitha Nyakunu
YGAP Class of 2016


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Nqobizitha Nyakunu from Zimbabwe attended YGAP in 2016, and says he has brothers from the course from around the world, whom he still communicates and shares a laugh with.

When you attended YGAP, what organisation were you with?

When I attended the IFWEA program, I was with Patsimeredu Edutainment Trust. It’s a hybrid organisation which uniquely and skilfully uses performing arts as a development communication strategy for improved development communication.

What are you doing now?

I am now a communications specialist by profession and I am working at Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) as the National Advocacy and Communications Advisor in Zimbabwe.

What would you say was the most important thing you learnt from YGAP?

Diversity is key for solidarity. The ability to accept diverse cultures, races, religions, genders and individuality, builds a strong foundation to tackle situations affecting communities around the world. With one vision, we can achieve anything; nationally, regionally and globally.

What was your best experience?

Sharing an apartment with the gentlemen from Indonesia, the Philippines and China. Getting to know the differences in the cultures that we have, being able to freely have racial discussion with no discrimination and hate speech. Learning a few words from each language represented. Finally, having brothers across the world who I still communicate with and share a laugh from time to time.

To find out more about YGAP click here