Our Approach

IFWEA Our Approach

Our Vision

A world where all working people have access to lifelong learning opportunities which enable them to claim and exercise their inalienable rights, responsibilities and freedoms as global citizens.

Mission Statement

To build a global knowledge community which facilitates global cooperation between worker educators, so as to advance the frontiers of knowledge, education methodology and practices of democratic worker organisations promoting freedom, justice and equality for all.

Our Strategy

Our Strategic Plan for 2024 – 2027 is to promote and advance the education of the democratic labour movement and to further free and voluntary education work according to the principles of solidarity and co-operation, justice and equality and democracy and freedom.

Our Constitution

Annual Reports


IFWEA’s core budget is derived from the affiliation fees of its member organisations. The Secretariat and programme activities are supported by members’ donations and grants from development agencies. During its existence of 73 years, IFWEA has received funding from the European Union (EU); International Labour Organisation (ILO); United Nations UNESCO); solidarity support agencies in Norway, Finland, the Netherlands and the UK; Friedrich Ebert Stiftung; War on Want; Oxfam, DFID; and the UK Community Fund. The Olof Palme International Center (OPIC) is currently the core funding partner of IFWEA, and supports IFWEA’s Strategic Programme.


IFWEA’s highest decision making body is the international General Conference, which meets every four years and elects the General Secretary, President and Executive Committee. The 24th international General Conference of IFWEA took place in Cape Town, South Africa, in December 2023. The theme of the conference was Education for Empowerment.