Study Circles for Social Change
Study circles enable small groups to learn together about how to advance their interests using a democratic, interactive and participatory method of education. Study circles of grassroots leaders in trade unions and community organisations are essential for building vibrant organisations with an active membership.
SSSC video
Study Circles
Study circles participate in global training on alliance building, advocacy, and dialogue methods, implementing learnings in their own countries. See below to find out what is lined up for 2024. And you can catch up on what IFWEA study circles on ratifying C190, Migrant Rights and Climate Change did in 2023 here.
What topics do study circles cover?
Study circles cover a range of topics that can include training for shop stewards, training for women in leadership, organising migrant workers, IT skills, how to moderate online workshops, and more.
How does IFWEA support study circles?
IFWEA supports affiliates to develop a study circle programme through training and mentoring study circle facilitators to build confidence, encourage critical thinking and promote active participation.
IFWEA offers a Facilitating Study Circles course on OLA. You can click here to access the course.
IFWEA also supports online interaction between study circle facilitators in different countries to share experiences on curricula, materials and pedagogy of study circles and build a global knowledge community.
How can I get involved?
You can promote study circles in your organisation through running the various courses available on OLA. You can also contact the IFWEA secretariat for support at
To find out more, please contact Saliem Patel (Programme Manager) at or Renaldi Prinsloo (IFWEA Education Online Curriculum Developer) at