June 2022 – On 23 June 2022, World Public Services Day, Publics Services International (PSI – the global union federation of workers in public services) launched Behind the Mask – an interactive online documentary that reveals not only the links between the personal lives of workers and the political choices which exacerbated this crisis; but also presents the deep policy changes needed to improve conditions and prepare for future challenges.
The 6 million lives lost so far to Covid-19 is a human tragedy. However, there are countless more lives which have been saved thanks to the selfless efforts of frontline workers, especially in health and care services, where working conditions caused many needless deaths among staff.
These conditions are the direct result of government policy choices: to underfund health systems, under-resourced hospitals and understaff frontline services. Behind the Mask makes the call for politicians to listen to the voices which matter the most: those who have given the most. By ignoring frontline workers, mistakes will be repeated. By listening to them we can make this healthier, safer, fairer world a reality.
The first of the stories, available now, follows Trish, a Zimbabwean nurse who is jailed for organising a protest against the lack of PPE at her hospital. To watch and find out more, click here
Picture credit: AFDB