Calls and Campaigns

Aug 29

Call to learn lessons from Covid-19

August 2024 – Public Services International (PSI), the global union federation of workers in public services, has raised concerns over the safety aspects of another global health emergency. They say:

“Five years after COVID-19, it appears the world has learned little. The WHO Pandemic Treaty remains unadopted, and on August 14th, the World Health Organization declared mpox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, frontline public service workers were left exposed- forced to create their own PPE, denied access to critical vaccines, and unable to take paid leave to isolate and recover. We cannot afford to jeopardize their health and well-being again, nor put public service delivery at risk.

As workers and public services still recover from COVID’s devastating impact, we must not repeat past mistakes in responding to mpox. Employers and governments must engage in meaningful consultation with unions representing public service workers – key stakeholders in the national response to this health emergency.

PSI has prepared an occupational health and safety briefing to guide affiliates in supporting and protecting their members. All workers have the right to safe working conditions.

PSI will monitor the situation and provide updates as developments occur. Unions affiliated with PSI wishing to participate in this monitoring and share information should contact us at

As a WHO-accredited organization, PSI is working to ensure workers’ perspectives are included in the response to the mpox health emergency.”

Read more here.

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