Shifting the focus: Impacts on workplaces when men engage in domestic violence

THEME: Women’s Leadership and Development

TITLE: Shifting the focus: Impacts on workplaces when men engage in domestic violence

PUBLISHED BY: International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)

WHO IS THIS FOR: This report details the impacts of domestic violence (DV) on workplaces in Maharashtra, India and outlines eight core recommendations for employers to create safer workplaces. Research is based on interviews with 116 male workers who were identified by counselling centres and workplace management as having perpetrated violence against their intimate partners.

Results show that when workers perpetrate DV, their workplaces are at increased risk of accidents, injuries, and fatalities. Such risks impact workers themselves, their co-workers, customers, and their workplaces. Trade union leaders, gender activists, C190 and women study circles and community leaders will find this useful.

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Shifting the focus: Impacts on workplaces when men engage in domestic violence