Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2021

THEME: Participatory Learning Methods and Popular Education

TITLE: Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2021


WHO IS THIS FOR: This is SOLIDAR’s flagship publication, coming into its 6th edition and analysing policy developments linked to citizenship education and lifelong learning at EU level and across Europe. The 6th edition represents the last edition, considering that, since the Paris Declaration, there has been more work done at EU level with regards to strategic documents on citizenship education while the challenges ahead have also changed in scope. The different editions of the Monitor have reflected this by developing its building blocks, and as a conclusive edition, the Monitor will commence by looking at Education for Environmental Sustainability (EES) which is a subsection of Global Citizenship Education (GCE) – analysed in the previous Monitor edition. The reason for this is the ever increasing urgency of the climate crisis, as well as the impetus to promote EES at EU level. The research is based on eleven national reports from Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, North Macedonia, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Spain and the UK.

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Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2021