A Transport Workers’ Tool Kit

THEME: Gender Equality

TITLE: ILO Violence and Harassment Convention (190): A Transport Workers’ Tool Kit

PUBLISHED BY: International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)

WHO IS THIS FOR: Lack of safety in the world of transport work is a major contributing factor to making this sector unwelcoming for women workers and reinforcing the systemic exclusion of women in the transport and logistics industry. These factors contribute to, maintain and reaffirm the notion that ‘women don’t belong in this sector’.  According to the ILO (Transport Policy Brief 2013) – “Violence against transport workers is one of the most important factors limiting the attraction of transport jobs for women and breaking the retention of those who are employed in the transport sector.”  Almost 10 years later, this is still true for the sector.

This toolkit helps to recognise different forms of violence and harassment; it addresses the myths, stigma and shame around these issues; and includes tools to encourage and support union action to build and strengthen C190 campaigns. The toolkit can be a useful tool for women activists and unions to build their actions for awareness, lobbying and negotiations on the issues – that are critical to ensure a safe and equal world of work for women transport workers.

Download here
ILO Violence and Harassment Convention (190): A Transport Workers’ Tool Kit