The Transformation of Work: Challenges and Strategies | Putting Union Gender Equality Policy into Practice in South Africa: The Role of Transformative Leadership

THEME: Gender Equality

TITLE: The Transformation of Work: Challenges and Strategies | Putting Union Gender Equality Policy into Practice in South Africa: The Role of Transformative Leadership

PUBLISHED BY: Labour Research Service (LRS), South Africa


WHO IS THIS FOR? This report can be used by worker educators, trade union members and leaders, and activists who are focused on gender and work.

This report explores the disconnect between labour union policy and practice as it relates to gender inequalities in trade unions, workplaces and the broader community.

It looks at theoretical views of feminist analysis and leadership, and outlines some of the approaches that have shaped gender equality work in the South African trade union movement, through the example of COSATU.

Highlighting insights provided through interviews with male union leaders and gender rights activists, it also examines how new strategies can be refined to close the gap between policy and practice, and further the ability of women and men to experience an equal and collective sense of power to become more effective representatives of working people. It also addresses the benefits and the challenges of organising informal economy workers, and hereby enacts and supports the implementation of Recommendation No. 204.

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The Transformation of Work: Challenges and Strategies | Putting Union Gender Equality Policy into Practice in South Africa: The Role of Transformative Leadership