Promoting a Just Transition in Europe and Worldwide

THEME: Building Democratic Trade Unions

TITLE: Promoting a Just Transition in Europe and Worldwide: How Civil Society and Trade Unions are Driving the Change


WHO IS THIS FOR: This study stems from SOLIDAR’s growing interest in engaging with the topic of ensuring a socially Just Transition to climate neutrality. At the end of 2020, the SOLIDAR network developed a new multiannual strategy for the platform, one that aims to place social justice and Just Transition at the centre of European and international policies and recovery strategies. Then, in the framework of its renewed mission, SOLIDAR kicked-off a mapping exercise that attempted to identify the key concepts, main policies and existing initiatives linked to a Just Transition. This publication is a result and a consequence of that exercise. This publication is addressed to both decision-makers and members of civil society.

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Promoting a Just Transition in Europe and Worldwide: How Civil Society and Trade Unions are Driving the Change