ITF Youth Pack: Helping Unions to Help Organise Young Workers

THEME: Organising and Educating Young Workers

TITLE: ITF Youth Pack: Helping Unions to Help Organise Young Workers

PUBLISHED BY: International Transport Workers’ Federation, UK


WHO IS THIS FOR? This pack is for trade union leaders, union educators, youth network participants and union activists who are working to build youth participation and shop stewards.

To build strong unions now and for the future it is crucial that the labour movement reaches out to groups of workers that have traditionally fallen through the organising net. Young workers are one of these groups. To help unions do just that, the ITF has produced a youth pack with information on organising young workers. The booklet can be used on its own as resource material or to stimulate debate through group work by discussing the questions that appear throughout the pack.

Download here
ITF Youth Pack: Helping Unions to Help Organise Young Workers