Freedom Report 2022: Unions Building Peace

THEME: Building democratic trade unions

TITLE: Freedom Report 2022: Unions Building Peace

PUBLISHED BY: International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)

WHO IS THIS FOR: This report stands in recognition of the decades of action for peace and democracy by trade unions around the world. It serves as a reminder that without peace, democratic rights and freedoms, decent work and social protection, remain unattainable. Unions on the frontline of the struggle for peace find themselves engaged in the broad scope of resistance.

The report includes case studies from:

In Colombia, unions have been at the forefront of decades of struggle for peace and social justice.

In Northern Ireland, the trade union movement has long been a motor for peace and overcoming division and sectarianism.

In Myanmar, the unions continue their longstanding peace and democracy struggle in the most difficult and dangerous circumstances under a ruthless military dictatorship.

In Tunisia, the UGTT and others were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their work to build a post-dictatorship country with a new constitution. A commitment that remains just as strong as the country faces new challenges.

This publication will be of use to trade union leaders, study circles, community activists and grassroots leaders.

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Freedom Report 2022: Unions Building Peace