Digital Working in the Media, Arts & Entertainment Sector: Challenges and Opportunities

THEME: Building Democratic Trade Unions

TITLE: Digital Working in the Media, Arts & Entertainment Sector: Challenges and Opportunities

PUBLISHED BY: International Federation of Actors

WHO IS THIS FOR:  In recent years, the Media, Arts, and Entertainment sector has seen a significant shift towards digitalisation, with the Covid-19 pandemic further accelerating this trend. As certain parts of the creative sector are working increasingly online, and work migrates more and more to the digital sphere, it has become more challenging to protect the rights, working conditions, and interests of atypical workers involved in this field.

Hence new challenges and opportunities are arising for trade unions, particularly in terms of protecting and advocating for the rights of atypical workers. The rise of digital work tools and platforms has also highlighted the need for trade unions to adapt, reassess, and stay ahead of the curve.

This study aims to provide an overview on the rapidly evolving landscape of the sector, to draw out good practices and experiences, and to identify approaches for equipping unions to address the challenges faced by atypical and economically dependent workers in the arts, media and entertainment sector.

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Digital Working in the Media, Arts & Entertainment Sector: Challenges and Opportunities