Barefoot Guide to Working with Organisations and Social Change

THEME: Recruitment Campaigns

TITLE: Barefoot Guide to Working with Organisations and Social Change

PUBLISHED BY: Barefoot Collective, 2009

LANGUAGE: English / Bahasa / French / Portuguese / Chinese / Spanish / Kiswahili / Arabic

 WHO IS THIS FOR? Leaders, facilitators, worker educators, activists and civil society facilitators.

The guide includes tried and tested concepts, approaches, stories and activities. Its purpose is to help stimulate and enrich the practice of anyone supporting organisations and social movements in their challenges of working, learning, growing and changing to meet the needs of our complex world. Although it is aimed at leaders and facilitators of civil society organisations, we hope it will be useful to anyone interested in fostering healthy human organisation in any sphere of life.

Download here
Barefoot Guide to Working with Organisations and Social Change