Simon Parkinson

Executive Member

simon pic


Simon Parkinson is the General Secretary and Chief Executive at the WEA in the UK. Growing up in Salford, Simon attended both Salford University and Warwick University where he gained a Master’s degree in Public Administration. He joined the WEA from Co-operative College where he was Principle and CEO for 4 years and previously worked for 19 years at the Royal Mencap Society, including as Director of Education, Learning and Work. Simon is involved in a range of external networks including Co-operative Council Innovation Network, where he is vice chair of the Values & Principles Committee and an advisor to the Executive Oversight Committee. He is the Vice-Chair of SOLIDAR.

Election Statement

I have a particular interest and experience in education, learning and work, social care and housing, and am committed to working for and with organisations that make a positive difference in the world.