THEME: Organising and Educating Young Workers TITLE: Global Employment Trends for Youth 2022 PUBLISHED BY: International Labour Organisation (ILO) WHO IS THIS FOR: The 2022 edition discusses the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on young people and their labour market prospects during the recovery and beyond. Youth have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic and youth labour markets are now being buffeted by the lingering impacts of the pandemic, geopolitical risks and macroeconomic risks such as the impact of supply chain disruptions and rising inflation, particularly that of food and energy. There is also the potential permanent damage wreaked by these crises on the fabric of labour markets. As countries seek to address these multiple challenges, they must also not lose sight of longer-term priorities. In particular, targeted investment in the green, blue (ocean), digital, creative and care economies hold great potential to provide decent jobs for young people while setting economies on path towards greater sustainability, inclusiveness and resilience. Study circles, labour academics and activists and those working with youth and employment will find this useful. Download here Global Employment Trends for Youth 2022
Read MoreTHEME: Organising and Educating Young Workers TITLE: ITF Youth Pack: Helping Unions to Help Organise Young Workers PUBLISHED BY: International Transport Workers’ Federation, UK LANGUAGE: English WHO IS THIS FOR? This pack is for trade union leaders, union educators, youth network participants and union activists who are working to build youth participation and shop stewards. To build strong unions now and for the future it is crucial that the labour movement reaches out to groups of workers that have traditionally fallen through the organising net. Young workers are one of these groups. To help unions do just that, the ITF has produced a youth pack with information on organising young workers. The booklet can be used on its own as resource material or to stimulate debate through group work by discussing the questions that appear throughout the pack. Download here ITF Youth Pack: Helping Unions to Help Organise Young Workers
Read MoreTHEME: Organising and Educating Young Workers TITLE: Labour Writes 2015: We are the City PUBLISHED BY: SUNY Empire State College, 2015 WHO IS THIS FOR? This collection of essays, poetry and artwork will particularly engage young activists and educators, and can also be used by trainers and facilitators to demonstrate a diversity of voices. The focus of the collection is New York City. This annual publication showcases a wide range of voices drawn from the Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies at SUNY Empire State College in New York. The essays, poetry and artwork focus primarily on living and working in New York City, and cover topics including transport, inner city architecture, social engineering, immigration, education and gender issues. Download here Labour Writes 2015: We are the City
Read MoreTHEME: Organising and Educating Young Workers TITLE: An Inclusive Europe – Co-creating young peoples’ vision for the future of Europe – facilitation guide PUBLISHED BY: European Youth Forum / youthUP / SOLIDAR, February, 2017 WHO IS THIS FOR? Youth labour educators, labour NGOs, young trade union members, youth NGOs and civil society partners. The European Youth Forum launched youthUP, a radical new campaign to crowd-source young people’s vision for the future of Europe. YouthUP, together with civil society partners, developed a number of workshop facilitation guides. These provide a step-by-step methodology for participants to follow to develop radical policy ideas for the future of Europe. They focus on six principles: participation, inclusion, rights, sustainability, peace, and health. The initiative is supported by SOLIDAR, a European network of Civil Society Organisations working to advance social justice in Europe and worldwide. Download here An Inclusive Europe
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