THEME: Gender Equality TITLE: Trade Unions and LGBTQ+ Workers in the Transportation Sector PUBLISHED BY: International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) WHO IS THIS FOR: This report investigates the experiences of LGBT+ workers in the transport industry, and the work of unions in finding creative responses to challenges facing these workers. Using a case study approach, the project interviewed eight unions representing transport workers across North America, South America, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Despite the geographic diversity, several common themes emerged concerning the role of unions in the transport sector in supporting LGBT+ workers. This report will be useful for those working as educationists for trade unions, for gender rights activists, and involved in policy. Download here Trade Unions and LGBTQ+ Workers in the Transportation Sector
Read MoreTHEME: Gender Equality TITLE: Preventing and addressing violence and harassment in the world of work through occupational safety and health measures PUBLISHED BY: International Labour Organisation (ILO) WHO IS THIS FOR: The report highlights the pervasive issue of violence and harassment (V&H) in workplaces worldwide, affecting more than one in five employed individuals. It underscores the significant impact of V&H on individuals, enterprises, and society, exacerbated by evolving work conditions like digitalisation and work-life balance challenges. The report emphasises the importance of adopting comprehensive strategies, including the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention (No. 190) and occupational safety and health (OSH) measures, to prevent and address V&H, while also examining different national approaches and the effectiveness of collective bargaining agreements and legal frameworks in tackling this issue. Those working in the fields of gender and work, harassment at work, ratifying C190 and related issues, will find this useful. Download here Preventing and addressing violence and harassment in the world of work through occupational safety and health measures
Read MoreTHEME: Gender Equality TITLE: Women, Business and the Law 2024 PUBLISHED BY: World Bank WHO IS THIS FOR: The global gender gap for women in the workplace is far wider than previously thought, a new World Bank Group report shows. When legal differences involving violence and childcare are taken into account, women enjoy fewer than two-thirds the rights of men. No country provides equal opportunity for women—not even the wealthiest economies. The latest Women, Business, and the Law report offers a comprehensive picture of the obstacles that women face in entering the global workforce and contributing to greater prosperity—for themselves, their families, and their communities. It expands the scope of its analysis, adding two indicators that can be critical in opening up or restricting women’s options: safety from violence and access to childcare services. When those measures are included, women on average enjoy just 64% of the legal protections that men do—far fewer than the previous estimate of 77%. Download here Women, Business and the Law 2024
Read MoreTHEME: Gender Equality TITLE: Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced Marriage PUBLISHED BY: International Labour Organisation (ILO) WHO IS THIS FOR: Modern slavery is the very antithesis of social justice and sustainable development. The 2021 Global Estimates indicate there are 50 million people in situations of modern slavery on any given day, either forced to work against their will or in a marriage that they were forced into. This number translates to nearly one of every 150 people in the world. It is urgent that the global community gathers the will and resources to overcome these obstacles and get progress towards ending modern slavery back on track. Reliable information and statistics on forced labour, forced marriage, and human trafficking are critical to promoting awareness and understanding of the problem, and to informing policy responses. It is hoped that the findings presented in this report will encourage further research and data collection efforts focused on the national and local dimensions of all forms of modern slavery. Study circle and activist groups on gender and work will find this publication useful. Download here Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced Marriage
Read MoreTHEME: Gender Equality TITLE: The gender pay gap in the health and care sector: A global analysis in the time of Covid-19 PUBLISHED BY: International Labour Organisation (ILO) WHO IS THIS FOR: Covid-19 has shone a light on the critical importance of health and care workers. It also exposed the extent of inequalities workers in this highly feminised sector have been facing for decades. Notable among these inequalities is a Gender Pay Gap. It is for this reason that the International Labour Organization and the World Health Organization co-developed the first ever global sectoral gender pay gap report. This report aims to drive commitment to integrated policy action on improving gender equality, decent work and economic growth and good health and wellbeing. In particular, the report shows that whereas the health and care sector remain a major source of employment for women worldwide (they represent 67 per cent of workers in the sector), women nevertheless suffer a double jeopardy: average earnings in the sector are lower than other sectors, and a 24 per cent gender pay gap, which is, on average, higher than in non-health sectors. Union leaders, community activists and those working in the field of health and care […]
Read MoreTHEME: Gender Equality TITLE: ILO Violence and Harassment Convention (190): A Transport Workers’ Tool Kit PUBLISHED BY: International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) WHO IS THIS FOR: Lack of safety in the world of transport work is a major contributing factor to making this sector unwelcoming for women workers and reinforcing the systemic exclusion of women in the transport and logistics industry. These factors contribute to, maintain and reaffirm the notion that ‘women don’t belong in this sector’. According to the ILO (Transport Policy Brief 2013) – “Violence against transport workers is one of the most important factors limiting the attraction of transport jobs for women and breaking the retention of those who are employed in the transport sector.” Almost 10 years later, this is still true for the sector. This toolkit helps to recognise different forms of violence and harassment; it addresses the myths, stigma and shame around these issues; and includes tools to encourage and support union action to build and strengthen C190 campaigns. The toolkit can be a useful tool for women activists and unions to build their actions for awareness, lobbying and negotiations on the issues – that are critical to ensure a safe and equal world of […]
Read MoreTHEME: Gender Equality TITLE: Care at work: Investing in care leave and services for a more gender equal world of work PUBLISHED BY: ILO (International Labour Organisation) WHO IS THIS FOR: Based on an ILO legal survey of 185 countries, the report reviews progress made around the world over the past decade while assessing the persisting and significant legal gaps that translate into a lack of protection and support for millions of workers with family responsibilities across the world. It takes the requirements and principles of relevant international labour standards – in particular the ILO Conventions and Recommendations on maternity protection and workers with family responsibilities – as the benchmark. The report pays attention to the most frequently excluded workers, such as the self-employed, workers in the informal economy, migrants, and adoptive and LGBTQI+ parents. It concludes with a call for action to invest in a transformative package of care policies that is central to the broader international agenda on investing in the care economy – a breakthrough pathway for building a better and more gender equal world of work. Trade union leaders, community activists, and those working in the health and caring sectors will find this useful. Download here Care at work: Investing […]
Read MoreTHEME: Gender Equality TITLE: A quantum leap for gender equality: For a better future of work for all PUBLISHED BY: The International Labour Organisation (ILO) LANGUAGE: English WHO IS THIS FOR? This report is a valuable resource for study circles, labour educators, union leaders and researchers especially working in the field of women and work. The report highlights key gender gaps and obstacles to decent work for women. It explores the structural barriers, including unpaid care work, that shape the nature and extent of women’s engagement in paid employment, and examines how laws, policies and practices in certain countries have addressed them. The report also outlines the measures that can and should be taken to seize the opportunities presented by the changing world of work. Download here A quantum leap for gender equality: For a better future of work for all
Read MoreTHEME: Gender Equality TITLE: The Transformation of Work: Challenges and Strategies | Putting Union Gender Equality Policy into Practice in South Africa: The Role of Transformative Leadership PUBLISHED BY: Labour Research Service (LRS), South Africa LANGUAGE: English WHO IS THIS FOR? This report can be used by worker educators, trade union members and leaders, and activists who are focused on gender and work. This report explores the disconnect between labour union policy and practice as it relates to gender inequalities in trade unions, workplaces and the broader community. It looks at theoretical views of feminist analysis and leadership, and outlines some of the approaches that have shaped gender equality work in the South African trade union movement, through the example of COSATU. Highlighting insights provided through interviews with male union leaders and gender rights activists, it also examines how new strategies can be refined to close the gap between policy and practice, and further the ability of women and men to experience an equal and collective sense of power to become more effective representatives of working people. It also addresses the benefits and the challenges of organising informal economy workers, and hereby enacts and supports the implementation of Recommendation No. 204. Download […]
Read MoreTHEME: Bullying and Harassment Training TITLE: Gender Equality PUBLISHED BY: ITF, 2018 LANGUAGE: English WHO IS THIS FOR? This booklet is aimed at worker educators, gender activists, trade union leaders and workshop facilitators. The materials offer practical advice and guidance in confronting and preventing bullying and harassment in the workplace, and apply to all workers, irrespective of gender. However, they also recognise that women are more vulnerable to certain forms of violent behaviour, especially in male-dominated workplaces. The materials will help participants to understand clearly what bullying and harassment are, as well as the differences between the two terms. The component on sexual harassment will enable participants to have a greater understanding of its impact on workers, and how to maximise prevention and support mechanisms. Download here Bullying and Harassment Training
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